I help you reach your full potential—to engage employees, grow revenue, and increase profits.


Professional athletes, as skilled as they are, all need coaches. Pro golfers, for example, often employ a swing coach, a putting coach, a conditioning coach, and a sports psychologist. To become highly skilled in a sport requires “deliberate practice”—using proven methods applied by coaches with the right experience, perspective, and motivation to help the athlete improve.

Small businesses also need coaching to help them achieve their full potential—to consistently increase revenue, profitably deliver products and services, and attract and retain talented employees. Business owners and senior leaders need a coach who delivers tried-and-true methods for organizing and building a business, and who provides the experience, perspective, and motivation to improve.

Here’s how I look at it: Small business owners and leaders are good (or great!) at their product or service. But they are often not skilled (yet!) at organizing and running their business. Given enough time, they might figure it out. With the right coach, they will improve and grow much more quickly.


My coaching philosophy has two parts:

My starting point is “what you need, when you need it.” While I have “lessons” on a wide range of topics, I don’t force my clients through a “program.” I meet clients where they are and work on the issues they are dealing with today. My mission is to improve operations, staffing, systems, and finances to enable the business to run flawlessly—so that the owner can take (at least) a two-week vacation within (at most) two years.

My goal is to help my clients learn, grow, and become more self-sufficient by using the lessons and guidance I provide. At some point, I expect that my clients will no longer need my coaching services, but I also expect that they will always stay in touch as friends.

How I Work with You

The most common issues that I help my clients overcome include:

  • Holding employees and managers (and even the owners themselves) accountable
  • Getting everyone focused on the same long-term vision
  • Establishing clear short-term priorities and goals—and getting good at achieving them
  • Solving recurring issues so they go away forever (instead of discussing them again and again)
  • Reducing complexity and confusion as the business grows
  • Simplifying job roles
  • Systematizing key processes (and just about everything else, too)
  • Taking the business to the next level
  • Recovering from major setbacks
  • Delegating responsibilities
  • Developing team leaders and managers
  • Reducing the business owner’s stress level
  • Figuring out what needs to get done so you can take a vacation

My goal as your coach is to help you become your best. That means that I will:

  • Challenge you
  • Inspire you
  • Encourage you
  • Tell you the truth (even if you don’t want to hear it)
  • Give you confidence
  • Support you
  • Help you correct or work around weaknesses
  • Teach you
  • Refer you to other helpful resources in my large network of professionals